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My original essay, "Sexuality, Ambiguity, and the Female Grotesque in Angela Carter's 'Peter and the Wolf'", investigated Carter's motives of characterizing the main female character as a wolf, rather than a human being.  In this repurposed  piece, I chose to expand upon this notion by exploring how women are symbolized, objectified, and portrayed in modern society. 




As I struggled to solidify my Repurposed piece, I decided to interview other college students to gain a greater perspective of what influence symbolism and profession continued to hold on my generation.  Through this process, came the portrait series, looking at the uninfluenced dream profession of a child, in comparison to what that same person hopes to accomplish in their future today.  I hoped to see whether o not people would go into professions that fit the gender stereotype, or break those barriers.  I also sought to uncover the motivation behind each professional decision, whether it be financial, personal, or otherwise.

Why I Write

Most days, I go about my business without ever really stopping to consider why I am doing what I am doing.  I have always enjoyed writing (for the most part), but I had never seriously thought about the reasoning behind it.  It was like the first person I had been asked why I liked to play tennis.  At first my response was "I just like it!" simply because it wasn't something I thought about.  Although I think I have started to uncover the reason behind why I write, there is definitely still room to discover more.  (needs work)  

Book no.1
Book no.2
Book no.3
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